Time and time again I have people ask me “Why don’t you show “before & afters” of your projects?”. My reply is usually “Would you be fine with me sharing what you had before?”… more often than not that answer is a big Nooooooo! I’m going to go ahead and do it with this past project because it hits home the importance and impact good design can have.

This personal wellness coaching service was not a big company but her materials were not helping her build or maintain any sort of business at all. As you can see, what she was working with screamed “I’m an amateur!”. The first step in this rebranding was tossing the old logo in the trash and creating a clean and professional mark, then we moved on to conducting a photoshoot to capture & express a healthy lifestyle. From there I worked on not only the visual branding but the written content for web & social marketing and a 28 day dietary guide.

This project not only illustrates how good design can make a company successful but it also speaks to the bigger services I provide as a designer: brand creator and stewardship, art & photo direction, content creation, web designer, and planner of marketing programs.
Throughout this project I was educating my client on how to build a business through strategic planning and how design strategy applies to the structure of a business to meet user needs in a way that ultimately improves a business.