23 years in the making! This former front man of the Rave-ups has put together one hell of a record. Capturing the spirit, the twists and turns of "Jimmer" made for a great design and a fun project. I wanted a minimal, yet smart design to reflect him and his writing. Playing with the type became key to achieving this. For the photography we hit the streets and captured authentic moments… wandering and letting me zero in upon intersting details… Jimmer was a great sport, although at times I think he thought I was a bit nuts! When they all came together it gave us a great feel and look. Note: custom sticker closure!

The LP was designed to have the sticker break away seal too. Jimmer and producer Mitch Marine really wanted the LP to hold true to that old school feeling of anticipation... that can't wait to open it up feel. The stickers give the package a cool tactile quality and make you work a little before getting to the music... ha!

I utilized one of my custom template sites I developed for the "music folks" and this provided a good fit for his needs. With this custom template the artist has total editing & updating control, with key features: streaming music, video, tour date management and a shopping section. Toss in just about every link to social media and you have one heck of a powerhouse of a web site.