Sam Lewis is an example of a client who “gets it’. Sam has often said to me that my job is to give his words and music a bigger life… and that is what I try to do. We do not often have big budgets (or sometimes much of a budget at all!) but I always feel like it pushes me in different directions and great stuff comes out of it. For this project - The Hotel Sessions - I created a package consisting of a CD, 22 x 33 poster, T-shirt and numbered vintage hotel key ring. The run was a limited edition set of 100. These packages were used to generate the money needed to cover the vinyl LP production for his soon to be released effort “Waiting On You”. Record labels these days sort of suck, so poor Sam was left to fund his own way if he wanted LPs.
The project was done down and dirty, one color foil on chipboard and it looked great. The poster is a vintage cranes stock and run with one metallic ink. It all came packaged up in a LP mailer. We did a marathon photoshoot here in Los Angeles with Glenn Campbell, who allowed us the freedom to play and get everything we needed for this project as well as the next CD release and press shots -whew!
Sam re-recorded his soon to be released album “Waiting On You”, but this time all acoustic and in Hotel rooms as he toured… and so The Hotel Sessions was able to be born! Ah, if every project could be as fun as this one life would be great!